On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 12:18 PM, AJAY SHARMA <ajaysharmaengg@gmail.com> wrote:
Here I salute you.These are the best ever reasons any one raised, to avoid effective Ombudsman in India.You are right and simply touched the tip of iceberg.Presently people are doing out of way work, over work, risk taking work, child labourer, over loading, over transporting, working under unhygienic and unsafe conditions and producing many many time more than the on can produce in ideal conditions for the sake of corruption income, he may be Govt. official, labourer, or businessmen.Thus in long term production cost will increase, export will fall due to higher rates of production etc. Situation like Europe may arise, because people will be doing lesser work and availing more luxury. In a public transport system 10 to 15 persons will be sitting at place of 50 to 150 persons in same size vehicle now. Thus cost of production will increase and we may face recession.On the other side road will be constructed only one time in 10 years at the place of @ 3 yrs. and like this propaganda medicine etc. Similarly LDC, Mechanic, Doctors, Teachers etc, will need not remain absent and give hardship to their clients and go for their personal work like Passport office, Income tax office, Municipality, UIT and Others etc. In present situation one need not to do his work in which he is expert and can produce best work, but to go to others to get his work done and persuade his work done by hook or crook, in which he is not expert, thus wasting precious national resources like time, transportation, etc.Thus very serious changes may occur.But for the sake of all these social changes, should we allow few very very rich to loot the hard earned money of majority people???? We all know that due to this untamed corruption only 5 to 10 lacs of people are snatching hard earned money of majority and making majorities life hell. Murders, cheaters, looters, Duplicate producers, are openly enjoying luxury and common people are not getting bare minimum justice which may be police FIR, court decision, passport, petrol at genuine price, admission in colleges, papers of their properties and emergency medical support etc.Also changes will be slow and our Govt. machinery will not allow such an effective Ombudsman.In rig Veda 4 classes:- Kshatriya, Brahmin, Vaishya, and Shudra. but all could change their class by their profession. But in later Vedic age 4 classes became rigid and these classes become by birth, though many times people changing their class by extra hard efforts.Same:-In Post Independence 4 classes:- Kshatriya (Ruler, i.e. MPs, MLAs, Big shots), Brahmins (Officials), Vaishya (Good Business men), Shudra (Poor). But in Later Post Independence era:- Kshatriya, Brahmin, Vaishya and Shudra are going to be rigid and now more or less by birth. Though changes allowed but very tough.Hence, I will prefer 5% growth rate, none above law and law for all , over 12% growth rate due to corruption,few above law and torture of common people.Vese Rich and Powerful hone ka maza hi khatam ho jayega.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ajay Sharma
From: ajay
To: RECSri
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 10:09 AM
Subject: [RECSrinagar] so what ,If JAN LOKPAL BILL ? , then What????
By our past expereince , we all suspect the sucess of Lokpal , Jan or Aruna versionbut in rare possibility , if it succeeds , it will create a very difficult situation in :1) Effect on our lives : We all have been groomed with a impression that anything n everything can b got done thru money , If this changes , will we b able to reconcile to reality ? Lets all b honest2) Effect on economy /Life Styles : Almost all Govt servants make more than theri salary by way of corruption , be it , Police , Railways Staff , Tax officials , Municipal employees etc etc , ,They have made their lifestyles assuming this to be a continued income , taken loans also accordingly , pay EMIs , have expenses in line with income from corruption . What shall happen to them n to economy once this flow of money is stoppedMay be weird but is a serious consideration ,We might have a recession in market bcs of this ,Do we really need a effective LOKPAL ?AJAY KALRA
--- On Fri, 26/8/11, Satwinder Singh Ahluwalia <> wrote:
From: Satwinder Singh Ahluwalia <s>
Subject: Re: [RECSrinagar] so what ,If JAN LOKPAL BILL ? , then What????
To: "RECSri>
Date: Friday, 26 August, 2011, 10:10 AM
Agree with you - we are incompos- with this regards.
S.S.AhluwaliaFrom my IPod
On 25-Aug-2011, at 4:39 PM, ajay <> wrote:
Ajay sharma & Abraham,In a country where a cold blooded murderer like KASAB doesnt get punished in 3 years , inspite of his committing the crime in full public view , ON CAMERA ,wat hopes wuld u hv for punishment to CORRUPT who will do it in their expertise ?ajay kalra
From: ajay sharma <ajayplatinum06@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [RECSrinagar] so what ,If JAN LOKPAL BILL ? , then What????
To: "RECSri>
Date: Thursday, 25 August, 2011, 4:25 PM
hiLokpal is totally different, it is not like CBI, ACD, and other enforcement agencies, which are 100% under control of Govt. We have seen the positive effect of Supreme court and Election Commission. Even now Govt officers, powerful men are afraid of RTI, which have no punishment power. That is the main reasons, those who are in power, all are against Jan Lokpal bill, they are ready to accept puppet Lokpal. Even all opposition MPs are against Jan Lokpal, which shows that, they are so much afraid of losing their monopoly and immunity from law.Even Supreme court is not 100% effective but today freedom and confidence in public is due to it.Our Police is very vulnerable and corrupt we say and feel, even then all security, safety, law & order and confidence among common people is due to it.Hence if strong and independent Ombudsman we get, then most of the corruption and defiant behaviour will be controlled, and then we can go ahead at any time.tcajay sharma
From: abraham k.c <k>
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: [RECSrinagar] so what ,If JAN LOKPAL BILL ? , then What????
HI Ajay,It is the media who brings up evreything and they do their own trial tootoday in Indai media is very strong and and guilty cannot face themabrahamOn Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 2:05 PM, ajay <> wrote:
We have had : CBI , Aniti Corruption Dept n so on ,These are supposed to be independent agencies ,We all knw hw independent they are ,So what , even if JAN LOKPAL Bill ?It will end up same fate as CBI etc , or be a inefficient /corrupt institution itself ,ajay kalra
From: ajay sharma <ajayplatinum06@yahoo.com>
Subject: [RECSrinagar] If NO JAN LOKPAL BILL then What????
To: "ajay sharma" <bhagwatiajay@yahoo.com>
Date: Thursday, 25 August, 2011, 1:18 PM
To,Editors, Media person, Leaders, Friends.......................................1. Corruption is loud and clear in India.2. Corruption is flowing from top to bottom.3. Corruption is 100000 times (1 Lac) more in higher ups than middle and lower class. If a common person is doing corruption of Rs. 1000 /- in a year then higher one is doing Rs. 100 Crores corruption. and due to this Rs. 100 Crores corruption an ordinary person is forced to pay Rs. 20000/- as a tax. (Out of present total 80% taxes, 40% tax goes to corruption). If a person is earning Rs. 20 Lacs a year then he is paying Rs. 16 Lacs as direct and indirect taxes, and out of which Rs. 6.40 Lacs is going to corrupt people pocket. Hence if anyone is making more than 40% of his income from corruption then he can be in the list of persons beneficial from corruption.4. Moreover corruption at middle and lower level is for survival, due to environment, and due to no action against corrupt. Majority is being forced for corrupt practices, and being blamed that all are corrupt, by the inventor and protectors of corruption.5. Where as corruption at top is for accumulating money, fortune and to show power.6. Earlier Rulers and Britishers prepares rules for all common people except themselves. Now same behaviour from our MPs. Their honour and regards are acceptable, if they fight for the justice and right of common people, but when they are doing crime they should not be above law of land, Where as they wants themselves above all law.7. We have elected them, it doesnt mean we cant question them.8. Neither Rulers nor Britishers surrendered their power themselves, they were forced by public pressure and same is needed here.9. Ensure Our supportive role ............................ what ever may be .............I request all of you to ask from all MPs, MLAs to make their point clear on following three points.1. Corruption is good or bad ??2. Their stand on Jan LOKPAL bill ?3. If they dont agree with JANLOKPAL bill then their solution for this ??Ajay Sharma__._,_.___Recent Activity:MARKETPLACEThere's one number you should know, your Credit Score. freecreditscore.com.<img width="1" height="1" alt="" src="http://us.bc.yahoo.com/b?P=75d06398-cf9d-11e0-9767-07282bf889bc&T=1d0dsftv6%2fX%3d1314333601%2fE%3d1705079605%2fR%3dgroups%2fK%3d5%2fV%3d2.1%2fW%3dH%2fY%3dYAHOO%2fF%3d853298254%2fH%3dY29udGVudD0iWWFob29fVGVjaDtNZXNzZW5nZXI7TWFpbDtCcmllZmNhc2U7TW9iaWxlO1Bob3RvcztHcm91cHM7QXZhdGFycztLbm93bGVkZ2VfU2VhcmNoO0xhdW5jaF9NdXNpYzsiIGRpc2FibGVzaHVmZmxpbmc9IjEiIHNlcnZlSWQ9Ijc1ZDA2Mzk4LWNmOWQtMTFlMC05NzY3LTA3MjgyYmY4ODliYyIgc2l0ZUlkPSI0NDUyNTUxIiB0U3RtcD0iMTMxNDMzMzYwMTQ1MjQxMyIg%2fQ%3d-1%2fS%3d1%2fJ%3d3F5EC442&U=13c31njcc%2fN%3duiKJKUwNO6A-%2fC%3d791726.14818010.14570270.10835568%2fD%3dMKP1%2fB%3d6475086%2fV%3d1">.![]()
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